The cast of Survivor: Island of the Idols

‘Survivor’ Star’s Rant Angers Other Castaways: ‘Shame on You’

Survivor: Island of the Idols finalist Noura Salman was known for her rather kooky antics on the show, but recently, she has gone way past “kooky” on social media. Here’s what she is saying and why it has fellow contestants riled up.

Salman Thinks the COVID Vaccine Will Be an Implanted Tracking Device

In an Instagram story from earlier this month, Salman espoused a conspiracy theory that included the COVID-19 pandemic numbers not adding up and that the vaccine is a government conspiracy to implant tracking devices into people. She posted:

It’s time to come out of hiding. There is literally nothing to fear by fear itself. I have been out and about since January and March when the ‘pandemic’ hit and was in and out of EMPTY hospital with my sick Dad for MONTHS! They are STILL empty as I drive by them in the tri-state area. The large testing tents are empty. And how do I not know a single person that died from it or had a friend die from it? Why aren’t people dropping like flies on the street? I know TOO MANY PEOPLE — this doesn’t add up.

‘The plan’ is for us to be so fed up with this isolation that we just say OK to the vaccine. So the question is this… are you going to be a human and think with your rational mind and listen to your intuition? Or a sheep and let your TV, cell phone & radio to the thinking for you?!

I’m waking up. I’m standing up. I’m not settling for this current world. And I’m not willing to wait for it to change. I have to be a part of that change. I have to catalyze that change. Will you join me? Or have you already decided to settle? And wait. For a vaccine that is said to prevent a virus when it’s actually a BACTERIA! So that ‘they’ can enforce a mandatory human tracking device?

In a subsequent tweet, she went on to defend her position, writing, “I’m no stranger to being misunderstoo – so I will make myself more clear. Yes, Covid is real – TOO MANY have gotten sick & died from it – but these case & death #s aren’t – they’re blown out of proportion to scare us into accepting a barely tested human tracking device.”

For the record, this idea is a conspiracy theory that took hold because science is developing some “quantum dots” that would record vaccinations on a person’s skin in order to help keep track of who has received the vaccine. The reason this is important is that “it is really difficult to determine who has received what vaccines in the developing world because there is not good record keeping,” an assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University told NPR.

Survivor Alums are Putting Salman on Blast For this Message

The Instagram screenshots were posted by Max Dawson from Survivor: Worlds Apart with the caption, “On the eve of the most consequential election of our lifetime yet another #Survivor contestant has decided that now is the time to use the platform the show afforded her to spread conspiracy theories & misinformation about public health. Shame on you Noura. We won’t forget this.”

Fellow alums Corinne Kaplan and Julia Carter chimed in with messages about full hospitals, with Kaplan writing, “My brother is an MD who works the COVID unit in his hospital. I promise you, people are very sick. This is despicable,” and Carter writing, “@nouraknowsbest1 you somewhat know me, and best believe, my hospital is FULL. We have about 20 confirmed COVID cases on our floors & the number is rising. I and others have lost friends & family to this virus. This is not the time to be ignorant & disrespectful. DO BETTER.”

Victoria Baamonde wrote “@nouradontknowsh*t,” to which Salman replied, “I’m sorry, who are you? I hope my name continues to make you more relevant than you never were.”

Baamonde later wrote, “Also what about using your credit card (paper trail), security cameras everywhere, your phone with GPS, your car with GPS? If someone wanted to track you, they could. Also, to be clear, no one wants to track you. …WAIT THERES MORE. What about the fact that this vaccine will be administered seasonally like the flu vaccine due to virus mutations and antibodies not lasting forever? Will we get a microchip every year?? Bound to get confusing for my secret FBI agent.”

Survivor hopes to film seasons 41 and 42 in the spring of 2021.

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‘Survivor’ Star’s Rant Angers Other Castaways: ‘Shame on You’

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