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WESTFIELD, Ind. — A warning is coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding youth sports. They say sports activities are leading to a rise in COVID cases among children.

Indiana Soccer says so far, their organization has seen barely any contact tracing in Indiana show a return to youth sports in the state. The soccer organization decided to continue mask mandates across all their members. With thousands of players across numerous Indiana counties, they figured it was a fair decision to make until all counties remove mask mandates. Players are allowed to remove their masks when they enter games.

“It’s the interaction on the sideline, whether this kid is riding with another kid to practice, there’s where the exposure would be,” believes Dave Guthrie, Executive Director of Indiana Soccer, “Our coaches, when they are asked to assemble for conversation, they are asked to be masked.”

The Hamilton County Health Department says it is less likely that players will get COVID from short contact on the field of play.

“Close contact is still considered within six feet for a cumulative time of fifteen minutes,” details Hamilton County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Christian Walker, “I would generally think even in an hour-long soccer game, the person you are defending is going to be incidental.”

Indiana Soccer says they will continue some of their sideline restrictions even if all counties do open up. Right now, they don’t have benches, and instead separate players six feet apart.