
The Times view on Afghanistan: Shameful Anniversary

One year on from the fall of Kabul, the Afghan economy has collapsed, rights are being denied and the country is once again a haven for extremists

The Times
Taliban fighters took back Kabul one year ago with barely a shot fired in anger
Taliban fighters took back Kabul one year ago with barely a shot fired in anger

It is exactly a year this Sunday since the fall of Kabul, when Taliban fighters marched unopposed into the Afghan capital after the withdrawal of western forces and the collapse of the Afghan army. What ensued was one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in recent times. Nearly two decades after its barbaric rule had been brought to an end by the allied intervention in 2001, the Taliban seized control of the government barely having had to fire a shot. Western governments were forced to scramble to evacuate their own citizens and those Afghans most at risk from reprisals. Overnight, two decades of attempted state-building, upon which western nations including Britain, had expended so much blood and treasure, came to an end.

For most Afghans,