How do I create a GPS Mission?

Instructions on how to create a GPS Mission with helpful tips!

Updated over a week ago

When should I use a GPS Mission?

GPS Missions are a great way to get your participants outside and exploring by guiding them to specific locations, and introducing them to new sights, attractions, and businesses.

Here are a few creative ways we have seen GPS Missions used:

  • Exploring a new location, like a new city, or a national park

  • Introducing participants to new or existing local businesses in town

  • A location-based scavenger hunt

  • A guided tour around a new workplace, school, or museum

  • A check-in point in a run for charity

The possibilities are endless!

Helpful Honk: If you would like to include a map to accompany your GPS Mission, add a link to Google Maps using the ‘Attach a Link’ feature.

How do I make GPS Mission?

To create a GPS Mission, first, navigate to the Missions tab in the Experience Manager, click the drop-down arrow on the blue add a Mission button, and select GPS Mission.

image of adding a Mission with GPS highlighted

Add in your Mission details

Next, add your Mission name, point value and Mission description. These are required fields, and they will be displayed to your participants.

image of Missions details - name, description and points

Setting your GPS location

Once you have added those fields, you can add in your target GPS destination! To do so, select the set location button.

image of the set location button

A new pop-up window will open with a map; this is where you will set your location:

You can choose a location in one of three ways:

1. Typing an address into the destination search field,

2. Entering the latitude and longitude, or

3. Clicking on the location on the map.

image of the set target GPS destination pop up window

Whether you click the location on the map or type in the address into the search field, the latitude, and longitude will auto-populate in both instances.

Adding in your Accepted Radius

Once your location has been set, you can choose an accepted radius for your Mission. This is the furthest distance a participant can be away from the exact coordinate and still have their location accepted as correct. We typically recommend 100 meters, but you can choose anything between 50 meters and 5 Kilometres.

image of the accepted radius drop down

Now that the accepted radius has been chosen, you can click the blue set location button (in the bottom right-hand corner) to lock it in.

image of the cancel and set location button

Finishing your GPS Mission

After you’ve chosen the location for your GPS Mission, you can attach an optional image or web link to provide more information or hints to your participants about your Mission.

image of the GPS Mission with add photo and add link highlighted

​The last step is to save your Mission by clicking save changes and that’s it!

If you are wanting to change the submission visibility for this Mission, click here to learn more.

Looking to add automations? Click here!

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