Best language facts

Global Language Facts

Did you know there are 7,111 spoken languages on the planet today? However, the variety of languages declines every year. Of the 7,111 languages, more than 90% are spoken by less than 100,000 people. The world is full of diverse tongues. The history and importance of languages is fascinating and can improve your view and understanding of the world.

“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”

Language has the power to influence and impact any individual that listens and understands it. Listed below are some interesting global language facts, a few of which might stun you.

Not everyone can speak English

English language facts

A 2019 study, carried out by the European Commission, concluded that only a quarter of the European population was able to understand a news report in English. 

Moreover, to fully understand the message in a language, it is not enough that you master it orally and in written form or know its grammatical rules. 

It is essential to also understand the cultural aspects inherent to that language’s community, like its habits and beliefs. 

Thereby, the translator’s quest is to adapt all these linguistic and cultural particularities into the target language and culture. Ultimately, the main goal is to ensure that everyone understands the original content, preserving its essence.

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Interesting facts about Slovenia Language

Slovenia language Facts

Slovenia has a total of 46 different dialects – despite only 2.3 million people speaking the language. 

The seven regional groups are Carinthian, Upper Carniolan, Lower Carniolan, Littoral, Rovte, Styrian, and Pannonian – making it the most diverse Slavic language!

For more information about Slovenian and our translation services, visit our website:

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Interesting facts about spanish 

1. Spanish and English Share Large Vocabulary

> Spanish and English share much of their vocabulary through cognates, as both languages derive many of their words from Latin and Arabic. The biggest differences in the grammar of the two languages include Spanish’s use of gender, a more extensive verb conjugation, and the widespread use of the subjunctive mood.

2. Arabic Had a Huge Influence on the Spanish Language

> After Latin, the language that has had the biggest influence on Spanish is Arabic. Today, the foreign language exerting the most influence is English, and Spanish has adopted hundreds of English words related to technology and culture.

3. Spanish Is Sometimes Called Castilian

> To the people who speak it, Spanish is sometimes called español and sometimes Castellano (the Spanish equivalent of “Castilian”). The labels used vary regionally and sometimes according to political viewpoint. Although English speakers sometimes use “Castilian” to refer to the Spanish of Spain as opposed to that of Latin America, that isn’t the distinction used among Spanish speakers.

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Spanish Language Facts

Interesting Facts about Arabic Language

Arabic Language Facts

1. There are around 280 million Arabic native speakers worldwide

Arabic is an official language in 26 countries, including Algeria, Egypt, Israel (along with Hebrew), Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the UAE, making it the fifth most spoken language in the world.

2. Arabic has influenced a great number of languages

Arabic has influenced a great number of languages, including most European languages as well as Asian and African languages. English has many Arabic loanwords such as alcohol, algebra, algorithm, average, candy, caravan, cotton, giraffe, guitar, jar, lemon, lilac, magazine, sugar, and talisman.

3. There are around 14 words that describe “love”

Each word for “love” describes specific stages of falling in love. For example, “Hawa” describes the initial attraction towards someone, “Huyum” the loss of reason that follows, and “Ishq” a blind desire.

4. Arabic words are written from right to left

Unlike many other widely used languages, Arabic words are written from right to left, and Arabic numbers are written from left to right.

5. Arabic has no capital letters

The Arabic alphabet uses quotation marks for emphasis instead of capital letters.

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Interesting facts about Bengali Language

Bengali Language facts

1. Indian national anthem was first written in Bangla

– You read right! Originally written in Bangla, it is the first of five stanzas of a poem written and later set to notations by Rabindranath Tagore. Yes, he also wrote the Bangladeshi national anthem. More reason to be in awe of this Nobel Laureate!

2. People sacrificed their lives for this language

– In 1952, the people of Bangladesh shed blood and gave lives to make sure they could speak this language and boy, were they successful! UNESCO declared 21st February as the International Mother Language Day in 1999 to honour this movement.

3. Bangla is an honorary official language in Sierra Leone

– This country, far far away from the birthplace of Bangla, is in West Africa. In 2002, in the light of Bangladeshi peacekeepers’ contribution in Sierra Leone’s 11-year civil war, Bangla received this title. But I suggest you don’t try and communicate in it while there as you may be disappointed at the clueless faces.

4. World-renowned universities teach Bangla courses and degrees

– Harvard University, the University of Texas, University of London, King’s College London, City College of New York, University of Toronto, among many more; I’m sure you’ve heard about all of these schools. Well, they all offer either a course or a full degree in the Bengali language!

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Did you know this about Italy?

The Italian language is not just the official language of Italy.

1. It is also an official language in Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, Istria county in Croatia, and Slovene Istria in Slovenia.

2. The European Union uses Italian as one of its 24 official languages. And it’s a recognized minority language in even more countries, including Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Romania.

3. Additionally, Italian is the second most common language in Argentina. In certain parts of Brazil, it’s a regional language, and schools are required to teach it.

4. The word “America” comes from Italian.

5. That’s right, “America” is named after Amerigo Vespucci. This 15th-century Italian explorer was the first European to recognize that north and south America were separated continents, not part of Asia.

6. The fourth most studied language in the united states of America.

7. Italian is the fourth most learned foreign language in the United States after Spanish, French, and German.

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Italy language Facts

Braniff Airlines

Braniff Airlines Translation Mistake

Braniff Airlines got in trouble in 1987 when it promoted new leather seats south of the border with the same campaign it used in the USA: “Fly in leather”. 

While the Spanish translation,” Vuela en Cuero”, was appropriate throughout much of Latin America, but it had different connotations in Mexico, where the expression also means “fly naked” 

If you are planning to expand your business to any Spanish speaking countries, work with us to avoid this kind of translation blunder, contact us:

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Are Latvian and Sanskrit similar?

Latvian vs Sanskrit

Language historians have pointed out similarities in Latvian and Sanskrit – one of the oldest languages in the world! 

This is because of its unique grammar system and vocabulary, which has a link to the Sanskrit language. 

For more information about the Latvian language visit our website:

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Interesting facts about Chinese language

There are over 20,000 distinct Chinese characters.

> The Chinese language contains a vast amount of characters and some advanced dictionaries place the number even higher! But rest assured: about 98% of written Chinese consists of the same 2,500 characters, so you can successfully read the newspaper even if you can “only” identify about two or three thousand.

There is no alphabet.

> The Chinese writing system is notoriously difficult for English speakers to master, as it does not contain a segmental alphabet. Instead, it consists of thousands of standalone characters. However, Chinese can be transcribed into Roman characters by using pinyin, removing some of the burdens on the learner that comes with memorizing thousands of individual characters.

 It’s an official UN language.

> Chinese joins English, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish as one of the six official UN languages.

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Surprising facts about the Chinese Language

Interesting facts about german language

> The first printed book was written in German.

> The Gutenberg Bible was the first book printed by way of movable type, which spawned the age of the printed book. It was finished in 1454.

> It’s the third most commonly taught language worldwide.

> German edges out Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Spanish, landing in third place among the most widely taught languages. This places German right after English and French.

> German is the most spoken mother tongue in Europe.

> Globally, German is the 11th most-spoken language, with about 90 million native speakers. In Europe, however, it’s the #1 most common mother tongue, beating out Italian, French, Spanish, and even English. About 16% of the European population speaks German as a first language.

> It’s not just spoken in Germany.

> Though the majority of German speakers reside within Germany, German is the official language of four other countries: Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. It’s also spoken in some parts of Northern Italy, as well as in the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.

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German Language Facts

Portugues language facts

Portuguese facts

The Portuguese language is one of the most important languages spoken around the world today. 

Not only is it the sixth most spoken language in the world, but it also has a presence on almost all of the continents. Here are some intriguing facts about this amazing language:

1. It’s the official language of nine countries

2. It is a common misconception that Portuguese is only spoken in Portugal and Brazil.

In fact, it is the official language in nine different countries: Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Principe. Furthermore, Portuguese is the official language of the Chinese autonomous territory of Macau.

Is the Portuguese language hard to learn?

Portuguese is not so difficult for a native English speaker to learn. The grammar and sentence structures are different from English but simpler. The accent has more in common with American English than Spanish, and it’s not difficult to pick up new sounds like nasal vowels.

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Chinese Language Facts

Chinese language facts

There are over 20,000 distinct Chinese characters.

> The Chinese language contains a vast amount of characters and some advanced dictionaries place the number even higher! But rest assured: about 98% of written Chinese consists of the same 2,500 characters, so you can successfully read the newspaper even if you can “only” identify about two or three thousand.

There is no alphabet.

> The Chinese writing system is notoriously difficult for English speakers to master, as it does not contain a segmental alphabet. Instead, it consists of thousands of standalone characters. However, Chinese can be transcribed into Roman characters by using pinyin, removing some of the burdens on the learner that comes with memorizing thousands of individual characters.

 It’s an official UN language.

> Chinese joins English, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish as one of the six official UN languages.

Learn more about the Chinese language here –

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Multicultural society in UK

Multicultural society in UK

With the United Kingdom becoming an increasingly multicultural society, there are large language barriers between government bodies and the communities they look after.

By utilizing specialist translation services from a company like Milestone Localization, government bodies are able to accurately communicate with non-English speakers. 

To find more information about our government document translation services check out:

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Which is the most beautiful Language in the world?

Most beautiful Language in the world

Why Arabic?

The Arabic language is currently enjoying ever-increasing popularity. It has become one of the fastest-growing languages on the Internet and has more than 420 million speakers worldwide.

To the eyes of a reader accustomed to the classical Latin or Roman alphabet, the Arabic script with its artful and cursive calligraphy is akin to an elaborate ornament rather than writing.

Written from right to left, without distinct upper or lower case letters, the Arabic script seems to flow on endlessly, in a truly mesmerizing fashion.

It is not surprising that Arabic calligraphy is venerated as a form of religious art and hand-stitched and painted on holy objects or places.

Click here to know more about the Arabic Langauge:
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UK finally out of  the UE

With the UK finally out of the EU, it is important that businesses have the correct legal documents and updated business contracts to fall within the new regulations.

If you are doing business with any international clients, it is likely that Brexit will have affected your trading position. 

Our documents translations services offer expert help in updating your international client’s contracts to adhere to any new Brexit regulations which may affect your business.

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UK out of UE

Matador or Killer?

Matador or killer

A translatable product name is an important element in global branding and can derail a marketing campaign before it even starts.

American Motors made this mistake in the early 1970s when naming its midsize car, the Matador. Although the name was intended to conjure images of courage and strength, it may have been a little too aggressive for Puerto Rican consumers – in Spanish, “matador” translates to “killer.”

Needless to say, the name didn’t instill a great deal of confidence in drivers.

If you are planning to expand your business to any Spanish speaking countries, work with us to avoid this kind of translation blunder, contact us:

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Translation Science

Translation Science

Have you ever wondered how translation has become an academic discipline? Well, the history of translation dates back to the beginning of the history of mankind. 

It has evolved out of the communication needs of communities using different languages. It first came out in the form of oral translation and later developed in written form. 

Treaties signed by communities may count as the earliest samples of written translations. Later on, religious texts gained more importance.

During this historical process, communication between communities gradually increased and the translation process improved to become a professional skill and competence.⠀⠀⠀⠀

#Science #Translation #Communication #Languages #L10N #XL8 #T9N

Oxford English vs the UK English

The oxford comma is included before the final “AND” or “OR” in lists of three or more items, but is optional and is often a topic of fierce debate among grammar enthusiasts.

Example without the Oxford comma: “I know English, Spanish and German.”

Example with the Oxford comma: “I speak English, Spanish, and German,”

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Oxford English vs UK English

Which is the fastest spoken Langauge?

Japanese language facts

Did you know Japanese is one of the fastest spoken languages? Japanese speakers speak 7.84 syllables per second! 

As a non-native, keeping up with Japanese speakers may be difficult so why not use professional Japanese interpreting services? 

To find out more information about Japanese interpreting services, visit our website >

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Spanish is spoken in every single continent!

Spanish language Facts

It is always said that Spanish is spoken in Europe and America, But what we don’t know is that Spanish is spoken in every single continent.

1. Europe: In Spain
2. America: in central America and South America, except Brazil where Portuguese is spoken.
3. Africa: not only in Ceuta and Melilla but also in the Canary Islands, Equatorial Guinea, and Western Sahara.
4. Oceania: Easter Island, Polynesia.
5. Asia: 3 million people from Asia speak Spanish, for example in the Philippines, Japan, and China.
6. Antarctica: in the Argentina town of Fortin Sargento Cabral and villa La Estrella, Chilean Town. 

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“Langauge Isolate”

Do you know the term “Language Isolate”?

It refers to #langauges that haven’t evolved from any other #languages.

Do you know any examples? Let us know in the comment section!

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Language Isolate

How many Alphabets do the Italian language have?

 Italian Language facts

Did you know that the #italian alphabets lack the letters J, K, W, X, and Y? The letters are still used but pronounced differently!

#languagefacts #polygots #italy #italia #italianlanguage #alphabet #multilingual

Spanish Langauge: Interesting langauge

Spanish Fact

Parker adopted the tagline to say, “It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.” However, the person in charge of the translation opted to use the Spanish word “embarazar” – whilst this looks like the English word “embarrass”, it actually means “to get pregnant”.

Commercials and billboards across Mexico displayed adverts of a pen that wouldn’t leak and make you pregnant. Parker Pen wondered why sales weren’t coming through. It turns out people didn’t really want to buy a contraceptive pen.

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“Flowers over dumplings”

The phrase refers to someone who prefers substance over style. Does it mean to say that while having something flashy might be nice if it doesn’t serve a purpose then what’s the point in having it?

Dango is small, sweet dumplings made from rice flour, often served on skewers. The kind of Dango shown in the emoji is called 花見団子 hanami dango, meaning ‘flower viewing dango.’

These are popular to eat in Japan during cherry blossom season when many people picnic in the park with friends under the flowering trees to admire their fleeting springtime beauty.

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Japanese proverb

Focus on ‘DIANA’!

Spanish word for Target

Did you know the #Spanish word for ‘target’ is Diana? It is believed by linguists that the work links back to the Roman goddess of hunting with the name, Diana! For more information about the Spanish language, visit:

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How English and Spanish use quotations?

Quotation marks

The main punctuation difference between Spanish usage of quotation marks and that of English is that added commas and periods in Spanish go outside the quotation marks, while in English they go inside the quotation marks. For example:

> Spanish: «Ninguna mente extraordinaria está exenta de un toque de demencia», dijo Aristóteles.
> English: “No extraordinary mind is free of a touch of insanity,” Aristotle said.
#grammartip #punctuation #localization #translation #languages

Mistranslations: Parker Pens

Mistranslation: Parker Pens

Parker adopted the tagline to say, “It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.” However, the person in charge of the translation opted to use the Spanish word “embarazar” – whilst this looks like the English word “embarrass”, it actually means “to get pregnant”.

Commercials and billboards across Mexico displayed adverts of a pen that wouldn’t leak and make you pregnant. Parker Pen wondered why sales weren’t coming through. It turns out people didn’t really want to buy a contraceptive pen.

#mistranslation #parkerpen #translation #translationservices #localisation #marketing #business

How to exchange business cards in Korea?

Korean culture

In Korea, the exchange of business cards is very important. It must be taken and given with both hands out of respect. When It comes to the text, the card must be translated into both Korean and English.

It is also considered refined to translate your business card into Chinese. To speak to us about localizing your business materials into Korean, Call us on +91 7411781821.

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What are the rarest spoken languages?


Kaixana is the #rarest #language– it only has one speaker left today.
#Kaixana has actually never ever been incredibly popular, it had only 200 speakers in the past. That number has decreased to a single digit today. 

The Kaixana of #Brazil, numbering 500, are unengaged as well as unreachable. They are part of the Amazon individuals cluster within the #Latin-Caribbean #Americans affinity bloc. This people group is just found in Brazil. Their primary language is #Portuguese.

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3 Japanese writing system

what are the 3 Japanese writing systems?

These three writing systems are the native #japanese alphabets #hiragana and #katakana and the Chinese characters called #kanji. The three writing systems are used together, sometimes even within the same sentence. Kanji is paired with hiragana to form words and sentences, while katakana is used for foreign loanwords as well as to add emphasis. 

Is Japanese based on simplified Chinese characters?

The #Japanese written language uses #Chinese characters, but the #language itself was born in #Japan, not #China. How did that happen? Well, the Japanese language existed for centuries solely as an oral language that wasn’t written down.

Sometime around the 5th century, Japanese scholars decided to fix that by learning to read classical Chinese and borrowing kanji characters to pair with the corresponding words in Japanese.

Later, #hiragana was created as a simpler alternative to the more difficult #kanji.

Japanese language based on Chinese language
Swahili words in the lion king

How “the lion king” got their character names?

Malagasy is distinct from other #African #languages. Before the French colonized the island of #Madagascar, it was settled by people from Southeast #Asia. The language is similar to others spoken in #Indonesia#Malaysia, the #Philippines, and #Polynesia.

Do you know which language uses clicks and whistles?

In the #CanaryIslands, the language called Silbo Gomero is a unique whistled form of Castilian #Spanish. It remains in use by some 22 000 locals; since 1999 the language has been taught in schools to ensure it is not lost.

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#whistled #language #southafrica #Silbo #Gomero #interesting #facts

Whistle language facts

why do languages go extinct?

Extinct Language facts

Between 1950 and 2010, 230 languages went extinct, according to the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger.

Today, a third of the world’s languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers left. Every two weeks a language dies with its last speaker, 50 to 90 percent of them are predicted to disappear by the next century.

#language #facts #online #English #chinese #japanese

Which is the second largest french speaking city?

second largest French speaking city

Kinshasa is the world’s second-largest French-speaking city, after Paris, and before Montreal and Brussels. The number of French speakers has TRIPLED since 1945 largely since this former French and Belgian colony kept French as their language of government, education, and science after decolonization.

#kinshasa #french #language #facts

Which language has the longest characters?

language with longest character

The alphabet is the standard set of symbols used to write a language based on a set of principles that guide a particular language. There are many alphabets in use in today’s world with the most widely used being the Latin alphabet which forms the foundation for a majority of written languages in the world.

These various forms of alphabets are different from each other in regards to length and phonetic sound. When it comes to the size, however, the alphabet that holds the record for having the longest alphabet is Cambodian.

#Cambodian #alphabet #facts #language

where does the Basque language come from?

Language with no roots

The ancestors of Basques are among the oldest residents of Europe, and their origins are unknown, as are the origins of the language.

Many scholars have tried to link Basque to Etruscan, African languages, Caucasian languages, and so on, but most see Basque as a language isolate.

A connection with the Iberian language has given some hope, but it is unclear whether similarities are caused by genetic relations or mere vicinity. It was spoken long before the Romans brought Latin to the Iberian Peninsula.

#isolated #language #basques #translation

how many artificial languages are there?

Fake languages made for television

Many of the languages that are made up of television and books are just gibberish. However, a few have been developed into fully functioning living languages, some even by linguistic professionals and professors.

Like Na’vi from Avatar and Klingon from Star Trek.

#artificial #language #Klingon #Na’vi #facts

Second most taught language in world

what is the second most famous language taught in the world?

French is also the only language, with English, that is taught in every country of the world, with 100 million students and 2 million teachers – 20 % of whom are outside of francophone countries.

#french #language #facts #translation

Which language uses both sides of the brain?

#didyouknow A study from @bbcnews has discovered that people who speak Chinese use both sides of their brain to process and understand the language. Meanwhile, people who speak the English language only use one side of their brain.

This research was carried out by Dr. Sophie Scott and her team at the Wellcome Trust, who conducted brain scans on a group of Mandarin and English speakers.

#languages #asia #languagefacts #mandarin

Chinese language facts

what are these Ambigram words?

An ambigram is a typographical creation where the word reads the same when upside down, or flips to create a whole new word.

Ambigrams are often a very sophisticated and very imaginative typographical style of #visualdesign.

#language #facts #translation #localziation

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